Exercise Mania

My ex-girlfriend’s mom started doing a jazzercise class in the 80s and hasn’t stopped since. It’s a weird thing.

Programming exercises can be just as addictive as some forms of well-marketed physical exercise. I have to actively resist writing solutions in Lisp to every silly problem I stumble upon online. But this morning, I came across this simple one (a blog post from 2007, but that happens on Hacker News) and, for some reason, couldn’t pass it up:

Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print “Fizz” instead of the number and for the multiples of five print “Buzz”. For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print “FizzBuzz”.

It’s so silly that I guess some folks, like the blogger linked above, have turned it into a problem of “what’s the most creative/strange way I can think of to do this?” Which is interesting and fun in its own right.

What I don’t understand is the attitude expressed in the original fizzbuzz blog post, “Using FizzBuzz to Find Developers who Grok Coding”. Does it really matter if it takes someone 5 or 20 minutes to write a solution? (FWIW, I took about 10 mins). A shorter time with such a goofy example means someone “groks” coding more than another? Ridiculous.

These types of puzzles are amusing precisely because a lot of real-world development (which is what the vast majority of people who code for a living do) is unfortunately pretty rote, and doesn’t require a lot of algorithmic thinking. Code monkeys learn to use libraries and frameworks, and spend a lot of time trying to use them correctly and cleanly, in order to implement straightforward requirements. So these exercises are a shift in mindset. In a tiny way, they put you back on the path of engineering. It’s why people find them interesting to do. It’s why I’m reading the Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs.

Taking a few more minutes might mean you’re not accustomed to solving such problems every minute of your working life. But that’s not at all the same as gauging whether someone understands coding or not. That kind of measurement is naive at best.

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