Lumen: A port of Blacklight to Scala and the Play framework

I’ve done some work the past two years using Blacklight, a great discovery interface for Solr with a lot of library catalog features. It’s quality software with years of work invested in it by some very smart people.

Over time, “the Ruby way” of doing things, as well as “the Rails way,” has bugged me more and more. Things like the use of naming conventions for hooks, passing arrays and hashes around in lieu of actual data structures, the varying use of hashes and OpenStructs, the ability to monkey patch, the difficulty of looking at a method and not being able to tell what its arguments are or can be, the need to go digging around in the source code of a gem to figure out how certain APIs are dynamically created because those methods can’t get automatically documented by tools like rubydoc or yard. These things often make life easier when you’re writing new code and trying to do it quickly, but they create nightmares when you try to refactor stuff or upgrade gem dependencies.

The last few months, I’ve been slowly porting Blacklight to Scala and the Play framework. I’m calling this new project Lumen.

Scala is a powerful statically typed, compiled language that permits you to mix object-oriented and functional paradigms, and it allows you to take advantage of the enormous ecosystem of existing Java libraries. It also incorporates some of the innovations of the last two decades of dynamic languages that make programmers happy. I think it’s a language that privileges software quality over rapid development.

So far, Lumen has been a hobby project to learn Scala, so I’ve approached it in a less disciplined fashion than I otherwise might. This means there are lots of TODOs scattered throughout, and style/design inconsistencies as I’ve learned better ways to do things but haven’t always gone back to change things everywhere. That’s life when you’re noodling around in your spare time. Lumen is largely an experiment right now, but I hope it will eventually grow into a full-featured, production-quality piece of software. We’ll see.

You can check out a demo here: