Composition and Inheritance

For as long as I can remember, writing any kind of non-trivial software meant you needed to use object-oriented programming. It was a no-brainer. So I learned all the fundamentals of OOP, and design patterns as well, since one couldn’t get very far in Java without knowing the most common patterns.

I think taking OOP for granted as the only natural way to manage complexity is why learning Lisp is so mind-blowing for programmers like myself. Take, for example, polymorphism. I didn’t know that there was anything besides parametric polymorphism–and I didn’t know it was called that; I knew it only as polymorphism, plain and simple. The ability of Lisp to do multiple dispatch was incredibly eye-opening.

I think this is the sort of thing people mean when they go on about how Lisp has broadened their horizons and deepened their understanding of concepts.

To mention another example, in a bit more detail: as an experiment in some recent python code for work, I’ve been using fewer classes/objects and more functions. (It’s debatable just how much actual “functional programming” mileage you can get out of Python, but I’ll put that aside for now.) In such an approach, you inevitably end up using a lot of composition, rather than object inheritance, to build higher level abstractions. And that’s been working out very well so far.

Composition is a powerful thing because you can control the granularity of code reuse. With a carefully constructed library of functions, you can choose to call the functions at the appropriate level of abstraction you need, and even mix and match. That’s much harder to do with object inheritance, where classes force you into an all-or-nothing package deal–if you want only some of the functionality, you need to instantiate the whole object anyway. And if you want to selectively override functionality, you need to subclass, which effectively ties the parent class to its subtree, making it harder to modify in the future.

I’ve been thinking lately that objects are useful mostly to facilitate data abstraction: there’s no reason not to group together related accessors and mutators. But when I consider more complex bundles of functionality, I think twice before creating a class hierarchy and see if I can do it using functional composition instead.

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