A VIAF Reconciliation Service for OpenRefine


OpenRefine is a wonderful tool my coworkers have been using to clean data for my project at work. Our workflow has been nice and simple: they take a CSV dump from a database, transform the data in OpenRefine, and export it as CSV. I write scripts to detect the changes and update the database with the new data.

We have a need, in the next few months, to reconcile the names of various individuals and organizations with standard “universal” identifiers for them in the Virtual International Authority File. The tricky part is that any given name in our system might have several candidates in VIAF, so it can’t be a fully automated process. A human being needs to look at them and make a decision. OpenRefine allows you to do this reconciliation, and also provides an interface that lets you choose among candidates.

Communicating with VIAF is not built in, though. Roderic D. M. Page wrote a VIAF reconciliation service, and it’s publicly accessible at the address listed on the linked page (the PHP source code is available here). It works very nicely.

I wanted to write my own version for 2 reasons: 1) I needed it to support the different name types in VIAF, 2) I wanted to host it myself, in case I needed to make large numbers of queries, so as not to be an obnoxious burden on Page’s server.

The project is called refine_viaf and the source code is available at https://github.com/codeforkjeff/refine_viaf.

For those who just want to use it without hosting their own installation, I’ve also made the service publicly accessible at http://refine.codefork.com, where there are instructions on how to configure OpenRefine to use it.

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