In my free time I’ve been working on my own interesting side project using CherryPy. This is my first major foray into Python: I’ve admired it for a long time, but haven’t used it much except for the occasional small script. So it’s pretty awesome to be really digging in. And I’m finding the more I learn about Python, the more I love it.
CherryPy, like Python, is extremely easy to start developing with, but it also has a ton of mind-blowing stuff available when you’re ready to do more. One of these more advanced features is what they call “Tools,” which (among other things!) let you write callbacks into various points of the HTTP request-response cycle. The documentation explains tools in detail, but a good practical example is here. I’ll condense it to relevant bits:
def noBodyProcess():
"""Sets cherrypy.request.process_request_body = False, giving
us direct control of the file upload destination. By default
cherrypy loads it to memory, we are directing it to disk."""
cherrypy.request.process_request_body = False = cherrypy.Tool('before_request_body', noBodyProcess)
class fileUpload:
"""fileUpload cherrypy application"""
""" [bunch of code cut out] """
def upload(self, theFile=None):
"""upload action
""" [more code ... ] """
The example shows how to set cherrypy.request.process_request_body to False, at the “before_request_body” hook; this overrides the default behavior, allowing you to deal directly with the request body contents.
The nice thing is you don’t need to understand a whole lot about the Tools architecture to make them work, although some things puzzled me initially (more below). Since I really wanted to know why and how the above did what it did, I spent some time poking around. Some things I discovered:
1) Decorators (the lines with the @ symbol) are executed when the class definition is executed. It’s a bit of shortcut syntax for modifying method definitions. I was confused about this for a while, thinking that decorators are just simple wrappers, called each time the function is. Nope!
2) The Tool decorator above modifies an attribute called “_cp_config” of the index() callable. (Not only do objects have attributes, but functions do too in Python–in fact, functions are actually objects! Wacky.) This is how CherryPy stores info about the Tools that should apply to specific handlers.
3) When executes, it looks at the relevant Tools, and calls into them as appropriate. In this example, the specific Tool created says noBodyProcess() should be executed at the “process_request_body” point in the request cycle. So it does.
4) cherrypy.request is a strange thing. I was wondering why it’s accessed everywhere directly, as opposed to being passed as request instances into the handler (as it is, say, in Java Servlets). Doesn’t that mean every thread is handling the same request?! Nope. Turns out cherrypy.request is able to store per-thread data, even though the name is accessed globally. (See the threading.local class.)
The convenience in CherryPy comes at the cost of some transparency and intuitiveness: not a high cost, mind you, but a cost nevertheless. Don’t get me wrong, I think CherryPy is pretty excellent. Still… it really tripped me up that examines the handler’s attributes for Tool callbacks, instead of storing that information separately (there may well be good reasons for doing it the way it’s done). The fact that cherrypy.request is thread-local also prompted a “Huh?!?!” at first.